Three Leadership Lessons to Live by.
Shortening Lead Times?
Simplifying Complexity - Predictable Delivery in Software Organizations
Does the organization scale?
Joakim’s Reflections CW2328 - Purpose as a means to achieve quality?
Joakim’s Reflections CW2327 - Does your organization need a purpose?
What?!? Where? Who? Why? When? How!?!
Leadership Coaching - Ingredients for a successful transformation.
Where - Why - What - Who - How - When, these are six key elements in the evolution of an organization whether it is conscious or not. By soliciting the services of a leadership coach, you are expressing your willingness and desire to make the evolution and growth of the organization a conscious endeavor.
Organizational Habits
The four laws of behavior change does not only apply to us on individual level, but should inspire us as leaders on how we can create the right circumstances for behaviors that drive collective performance.
Knowledge Retention and Interim Positions
What organizations can (should) learn from Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
As I’m sitting there in a corner, my subconscious starts working, making observations and connecting my observations with theoretical knowledge, comparing with organizations I’ve worked with and trying very hard to suppress my emotions. What follows are my reflections on the observations I made.
Remote Leadership
How to practice leadership in a remote setting.